Cost of living in San Miguel De Allende

Thanks to, the city's culture, climate and amazing scenery make it an attractive destination for visitors and one of the best places to live in Mexico. Some foreign residents divide their time between San Miguel de Allende and their home country, but many of them reside in the city year-round.

San Miguel is a popular retirement destination for many wealthy Americans, which has caused real estate prices to rise considerably in recent years.

As with any other place in Mexico, the cost of living in San Miguel de Allende will vary depending on your lifestyle, the size of your home, the town you choose, etc.

Weather In San Miguel De Allende

Long Term Rentals In San Miguel De Allende

Many people who live here also live comfortably on less than 1,500 USD per month. It all depends on the rents you find and the lifestyle you lead.

These rental costs are based on mid-range rents in San Miguel:

2 bedroom apartment downtown - $20,000 MXN or approximately $1,000 USD.

2 bedroom apartment outside the city center - $12,000 - $15,000 MXN or approximately $600 USD- $750 USD per month

Outside the colonial zone, still in safe and pleasant areas, you can pay much less.

For example, a one bedroom apartment can cost $169,000 USD.

From there, you'll still be within a five to ten minute walk of the restaurants, entertainment options and cultural activities of the historic area.

Best Neighborhoods In San Miguel de Allende

Best Neighborhoods In San Miguel De Allende

or neighSan Miguel has more than 20 different barrios,borhoods, each with its own appeal. A relocation tour in Mexico is a great way to get a feel for some of the different parts of the city to help you imagine where you would like to live.

The following are some neighborhoods I recommend taking a look at as you get to know San Miguel:

  • Centro - central to everything, but busy at times.

  • Guadalupe - a relaxed and artsy community near Centro

  • Guadiana - centrally located and highly sought after for its charming setting

  • San Antonio - within walking distance of Centro, but less congested and with lower rent and food prices

  • Los Frailes - one of the oldest neighborhoods in the city, with beautiful architecture and a park-like setting}.

Necessary utilities such as water, electricity, gas, internet etc., range from $100 to $150 total.

Weather In San Miguel De Allende

Because the climate in San Miguel de Allende is so temperate, it is likely that you will not need to use an air conditioning unit during the hot season. However, temperatures can drop into the 30s in the winter, especially in the hills, so a heater may be a good idea.

Keep in mind that using a heater (or air conditioner) can use a lot of energy and raise your electric bill.

Large hacienda-style homes have been divided into patio restaurants, cafes, upscale cantinas and niche stores that expats never seem to tire of visiting. Most of these establishments are owned and operated by native San Miguel Mexicans. Their famous kindness and gentleness reassures and delights overwhelmed visitors.

I hope this article has answered all your questions and you are packing to move to San Miguel de Allende.